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All About Your Healing: Type Talk with Carol

Joy and ease are truly our natural state.

Yet, we are conditioned to be stuck in the pattern of “it’s hard.”

I discuss this at length in my book, Remembering Wholeness.

And in this Type Talk I cover a lot of ground!

I go into depth and detail about the Type 2/4 or 4/2 combination and discuss the double introvert effect.

I also share my thoughts on ADHD and the 4 Types along with learning styles and the 4 Types.

Plus, be sure to catch my energy exercise for letting go of “shoulds” once and for all.

(Learn more about how to tap in order to clear negative energy too.)

What did Carol share in this Type Talk that really stood out to you? Share your ahas in the comments!

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

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  1. I’m struggling with knowing which type is dominate.. I’m either 3/2 or 2/3. I typed myself as a 2, but realized when reading child whisperer I was the loud, wanted my way, strong willed child. I had lots of energy although I was shy to new ppl. I was never actually outgoing mind you, just energetic and out there to those that knew me. I have never been outgoing that I can recall. I’m so down the middle it’s hard to actually pick which one is dominate.

    I am quiet to the point of “speak up!”, but speak with passion (and loud) sometimes.

    I doodle with S curves.

    I love a challenge I can actually accomplish (so nothing TO hard), I am competitive.

    I LOVE to research and gather TONS of details, almost to many and get stuck there A LOT. Once I make a decision I often wonder.. was it the right one?

    I walk with a heavier step.

    I LOVE comfort. Like a type 2, it’s not just wanted like normal, it’s needed. I have always felt clothes and told my mom how soft they were.

    I’m all over the place multi tasking like a type 3.

    My body shape is pear. My face is practically 50% of each type. (3 and 2). At least from what I can tell.

    I have a push to me and other times I don’t.

    I don’t like the uncomfortable jewelry to the type 3. Love flow and comfort to type 2 clothing. I think the colors to type 3 are fun though.

    Trying to think of other things. I’m finding I’m frustrated. Because I want to relax into my type and go with it, but am struggling with WHICH ONE it is. 🙁 I was ok with the two but as I read more on the 3 I thought, you know I might be more dominate 3 because of my childhood. But it sounds so tiring, and yet exciting. But a 2 sounds comfortable, but then maybe dull? Blah..

    It’s hard to type myself. I sway back and fourth.

    Love all the info, and hopefully it will hit me which one I really am dominate in. 🙂

      1. Really? From the picture? 🙂

        I have another picture where I wonder if I look more 3. Every time I uploaded though, it was sideways so I went with the picture where I was dressing type 2 fully. Sometimes this is hard. 😀

        1. I apologize Sarah, I should not have made that comment based off one photo and not being an expert. But my best wishes are with you!

      2. Thanks for wanting to offer your support Michele. I encourage women not to give feedback in this space based on a very small thumbnail, It can mislead women, yet I appreciate your good intentions to want other women to know themselves. Thanks for being a Lifestyle Member.

    1. It will, start saying and believing it will. Did you watch the video and due the energy clearing with me? There is a lot of support for you in this Type Talk session. I also teach you what to say if you want to get a clear answer.

      1. I’ll watch it again when I get a moment. With four little ones I wasn’t “REALLY” watching in detail, had to turn it off a lot and come back later. 😉 Thanks for responding back to me. 😀

  2. Is it possible for a T3 to overthink this process as well? Would that be an indication of a secondary 4 instead of a dominant 4? My tendency has been to think about the types over and over again. I do this with everything else to the point that my mind seems unable to stop thinking at bedtime. It is very annoying, to say the least. When my energy seems “drained” from the thinking process, I will usually find myself thinking, “Oh, who cares. I can be whatever type I want to be.” 🙂

    As a child, the way I was raised made me feel it was shameful to be me. “Too quiet”, “Too shy”, “You don’t “do” enough”, “Why are you so serious?”, etc. I think that perhaps my safest choice was to lead with my T3 secondary so I could be present the way others wanted me to be. Then I find myself second guessing that, thinking and analyzing it all over again, taking be back to square one.

    Carol has described me perfectly as someone who is endlessly thinking this through – for years now! – while seeing other women like T2’s and T3’s confidently affirming their true energy type.

    1. I don’t know you any more than your post here and your profile picture, but you strike me as a Type 4. Your photo is small, but you look beautiful, parallel lines and symmetrical. The “too shy, too quiet, don’t ‘do’, why so serious” etc sound like shaming of T4 kids. Staying awake thinking about it, then going “….I can be whatever type I want to be” sounds T4 also. What makes you think you’re not a T4?

      1. Thanks for wanting to offer your support Kate. I encourage women not to give feedback in this space based on a very small thumbnail, It can mislead women, yet I appreciate your good intentions to want other women to know themselves. Thanks for being a Lifestyle Member.

  3. We should thank your parents(Carol), for not honoring your true nature. As you said, we probably would not be benefiting from this program you developed. We can either succumb to our painful childhoods, or we can learn and grow from them. Sharing what you have learned must give you such a sense of purpose.

  4. There is no way Chip is a type 2!!! He is a MAJOR type 1 with a secondary 3. There is not one introverted bone in his body. Gotta disagree with you on this one Carol.

    1. That’s what i was thinking as well. His humor is quite physical( t1) versus the more dry wit of a T2. He is VERY animated and silly at times. If he is a T2, he must be putting on a great act. I’d wonder what he is like off the screen?

      1. I read from someone who was on the show that behind the scenes Chip is the same goof ball and Joanna seems more reserved. His energy comes off as very big and it is hard to believe that he is a type 2.

        I am a 2/1 and I have done puppet and storytime shows for many years. I can get very goofy and I have had people think that I am a type 1, but I cannot maintain that level of animation throughout the day. I have tried in the past and boy would that wear me out.

        1. I think your 2/1 energy(same as mine) would allow you to put on a show if you have an end point. His 2/3 energy probably allows him to keep it going for the viability of the show. I think people tune in partly because of his shtik. I would have guessed 3/1 or 1/3, but then I’m not a professional profiler.

          1. I would agree with your comment Betsy. I come across as a very outgoing person on camera, yet in my personal life, I am incredibly private and have very few close friends, and am not as big of an extrovert in my personal life experience.

          2. I asked my husband what he thought. He says Chip is Type 2 all the way. He pointed out that Chip has a soft spoken voice and that a lot of his humor is “dry”. His actions can get big but his words are usually hilariously dry. My husband also doesn’t believe Chip is going against his nature. I watched some clips with my husband and I started to see it. My husband pointed out some of our type 2 guy friends with similar humor. He even pointed out me as an example. My mind is blown.

      2. His secondary Type 3 is were the physical influence comes from. A Type 3’s connection with the world is a first physical, not a Type 1’s.

      3. I’m a T2 and my humor is also silly, goofy and very physical. I have a T3 secondary, so sometimes that feels like a conflict in terms of the tendencies. But I like to think of myself as well-rounded. I’m a major introvert, but many people would never guess that bc I am comfortable in social settings and can be quite outgoing. Yet I need to draw the line somewhere and retreat inward to recharge…and I treasure my alone/quiet time above all else. And, same as Carol mentions below, I’m a very private person with a select few close friends, but I can talk to/relate to just about anybody.

    2. I have watched this show since its conception.
      I have felt that Chips’s antics are forced, not in the beginning, but in these later episodes… I think because it sells. I have seen his T2 when he is just talking, about his family, his work, etc. Now I understand why I have felt a bit of discomfort watching him being so untrue to himself.

      1. I agree with you Sherry. I feel like Chip’s humor comes off a little odd and feels forced – like he’s trying too hard. If feels like my when my Type 2 dad tries to hard to be “out there” funny – it gets awkward.

        When determining their Types I researched them and found this about Chip: Joanna says of Chip “He is very kind and trustworthy.” Chip has saved all their love notes from over the years. Those stood out to me as Type 2 tendencies.

        And of course the most telling is his facial features. He has a teardrop nose, his skin has a softened affect to it, oval face shape, his eyes move downward and his smile is more soft and subtle (it doesn’t move upward).

    3. I’ve never watched the show, but just looking at them, before Carol said anything, I thought he was a T2. He reminds me of my T2 son (although my son is only 23). Just the sweet, calm, manly presence. I’m not sure how else to say it. My son can be hilarious at times. He is the only T2 in our family, and definitely the life of the party once you get to know him and he’s out of his shell. His secondary energy is 1. Someone who didn’t know him and was going off of personality, watching him goofing off with friends or family, could easily mis-Type him. Somehow, I think Carol knows what she’s talking about. 🙂

    4. Face Profiling wins out every time. Any Type develop the comedy skills that Chip expresses, as shared in the comments, if you are not true to your nature, we will feel the forced quality of the expression. My Type 2 son is very humorous. Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld, both dominant Type 2’s have had hugely successful comedy careers. I am confident he is a Type 2. He doesn’t express animated features, lines or shapes that would identify him as a Type 2. Weighing so much on personality is how so many people mis-type themselves. I stand by my assessment, but thanks for sharing your opinion.

      1. Face profiling when done by someone who has been trained wins every time. On the boards I have seen lots of novices get stymied or led astray by other novices. I’m really glad you addressed this in your “avoid these profiling mistakes” in the new course. I have copied and pasted it a few times already!! The new course is really excellent!

    5. In a recent interview, Joanna said when they first started filming the show Chip was utterly uncomfortable being on camera and that it took him quite some time to be okay with being in front of them. That aligns with his T2 nature.

    6. Agreed. That’s exactly what I had him pegged as – and if not a 1/3 then a 3/1… he is so high energy and fun loving.

  5. I haven’t seen the whole video yet but I have a comment to make about type 3s not going over and over. I’m a type 3. I was super type 3 as a child since before I could walk. I have type 3 body language currently and a type 3 personality. I am a secondary 2. I have gone over and over with this because I am persistent in figuring it out and finding the correct type. For the longest time I thought I was type 1 (tried it twice) because I switched types, but type 1 was horrific on me. I received no compliments. The clothes looked bad, the make-up was ridiculous, and I felt like a clown. i’m also not bouncy and much of what I do in life wouldn’t be classified as fun. I’m sure that if I had seen the type 3 in me immediately (I didn’t due to years of depression), I wouldn’t have hopped from type to type. Regardless though, I did and I am not a type 1.

    1. Thanks for sharing Jennifer. I agree that there is always an exception to the majority. Thanks for sharing that in your case it was an exception to what I shared in the video. If you choose to watch the whole video (very Type 3 of you to not have watched it all yet)! I explain in one of my answers that their are always exceptions to the most common patterns for each of the Types. That is one of the biggest reasons a personality test would never offer 100% successful results for people and why Face Profiling is the strongest weighted assessment tool, as our faces are the most authentic expression of us.

  6. Thank you for more discussion on type 2/4, 4/2 energies. My energy is 2/4, and I have to work often at not feeling that I am not outgoing enough, so I really appreciated the tapping exercise to help me with that. There is a poem entitled “Desiderata” which begins, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence…”, which I am sure must have been written by a T 2 or T4….it is very comforting to me to read that poem. (You can google it!)
    I was surprised to learn that Chip’s energy type is 2/3, mainly because of his loudness and show-off goofiness (although it is clear that he has a kindness and gentleness about him). I have noticed, however, that type 2’s with a secondary 3 often have much more “oomph” to them than 2/1’s and 2/4’s, so that could explain it. Just goes to show how secondary energies influence primary energies!

    1. A lot of Type 2’s with secondary Type 3 energy have learned to not trust their true nature as it tends to get over-looked. So, with a backup energy like Type 3, you can see why people would default to using it to be heard and seen, which ultimately will not work out in the long run due to the imbalance it creates.

  7. Thank you for this. So nice to hear some affirmation about the 4/2, 2/4 way of being. It reminded me of the cartoon that has 2 stick figures and says, “What I think,” with a huge thought bubble full of all kinds of words and swirls that take up half the box, and then, “What I say,” with a text bubble that has a couple of tiny little blips in it. I tried to post it here but it won’t let me. Some of you have probably seen it. It always makes me laugh. I also very much appreciated the thoughts at the beginning about healing and what we are creating for ourselves.

  8. Another awesome talk!! Thanks to this I will have more compassion now for those on the boards who are floundering about their type–I see what you mean by a pattern. (I’ll still firmly send them back to the materials though!!)

    1. Thank you Kim for sending them back to the materials. When the blocks are strong and the patterns of confusion and self-denial run deep, I can’t even override those patterns if I were to tell them in person, “you are a Type…..” I know this, because I have experienced it! Encourage these women to invest in Lifestyle, and use the emotional healing resources that are now being added!

  9. Carol, I so appreciate how you strongly and lovingly you encourage people to live our own unique truth. I am grateful to know my purpose and to live it, thanks in large part to LYT. I am trying to live it more fully. I know that people who are depressed and in despair really needed to hear in the tapping “I exist, I have a future.” I wish that for every child, to know that we each have a right to exist, know our true selves, and live out our gifts. Much love and thanks to you and the whole LYT team.

  10. Thank you for another great video Carol! I loved the bit about learning styles – that’s something I’ve wondered about since joing the DYT community. I am a type 1/4 (I think…) and am a very hands on learner – I can’t stand visual learning, sitting still and am also not hugely social. I’m very physical and hands on – I relate to the world this way, however I don’t think there’s a great deal of type 3 in me (aside from the feistyness). I am curious as to whether there are any other people here who can relate…?

  11. I get going during the day and forget about these, at least the last couple times. Darn! So I am really glad that I was able to sit and watch the part that I missed! I always learn so much from you, Carol. I am a 1/3 so it is kind of hard to be patient and sit still, but it is rewarding! Thanks! God bless you <3

  12. I have the strongest intuition that Im a 1/2, but many of my physical features are very type 2. I have either a tear drop nose or a diamond shape nose. I feel like I can profile a lot of other people easily, but Im having a hard time seeing myself, lol! I am very extroverted, and reading the types, I am a 1 all the way, but i am emotional like a 2….I have suffered a lot of trauma in my life too. I feel so 1 but lots of people are telling me I look like a 2, from my nose, to my cheeks, to my hands to my mouth(I dont usually like to show my teeth in pictures because I got made fun of for my teeth)…so Im super confused about it all. I bought the type 1 course, but Im afraid to really go out and buy anything because I dont want to be wrong in my assessment.

  13. Thank you Carol for what you said about how 1’s and 4’s get stuck on not knowing their types for years sometimes and why. The explanation of why they get stuck for each type helped me. Also that type 3’s just aren’t going to think about it for 2 or 3 years lol…you are such a wealth of information!

  14. I am SO grateful for this video! I had been looking for exactly this for a long time now. I am a T2/T4 and I have constantly been wondering lately if I am over-doing it in my T4 nature. After doing the Soulprint Healing course and Chakra 7 I started feeling good about letting myself feel my emotions and intuitively feel what was right. But, I began having this pressure or a fog-like feeling in my head constantly. Not quite a headache, but similar.

    I couldn’t figure out what it was! I began to realize over the course of several weeks that I would play out scenarios in my head to try and figure things out or think things out in order to try and make sure that I was safe before I would move forward. I really realized this not long ago. I have a tendency to override how I feel about something and try and make sure it is safe for me to move forward, and I would get stuck in my mind trying to logically solve spiritual or emotional issues on nearly everything I was doing! Now that I realize this it is so nuts.

    I have a wonderful gift with my logical mind, but I had conditioned myself to rely nearly solely on my mind instead of how I felt, and once I began to heal my emotional centers and remove layers of shame, fear and other emotions my mind kept going in overdrive because I was so used to it. What really began to shift all of this for me was realizing that I felt I had to effort everything into existence on my own. I began telling myself that I could relax into my nature and let things flow, and after some time the pressure and even some walls have begun to ebb away and crumble down.

    Thank you so much Carol! I now feel like I am safe to feel things emotionally and ALSO to let myself think them through logically. I had begun this internal fight over which I should or shouldn’t be doing, and which nature needed to fall further into the background. The message you provided has allowed me to know that both sides are a gift and I don’t need to silence or stifle my logical mind. I do realize now that I am best at allowing myself to feel it out first and also let my mind take its part, but I no longer need to override or keep looping through things until I feel safe. My feelings are enough, and so am I.

    1. Talon, you’ve beautifully stated this. I’m on the same journey and feel so similarly to what you’ve described. It wasn’t safe (or respected) to lead with my type 2 when I was a child, and I’m still learning decades later how to let myself express that without feeling afraid, ashamed, and guilty. I especially loved your last two sentences. Thanks for contributing your gifts here; you’ve helped me.

      And thank you, Tuttle team, for producing this wonderful content and for making it accessible. I’m so glad I’ve recently joined Lifestyle.

  15. Thank you Carol for the healing session at the end! Very timely for me to do this today!!!
    Healing the should and should not vibration is such a BIG piece of living true to our self. It’s such a heavy and oppressive energy, I got a big weight off doing this exercise, so thank you. PS My Lifestyle subscription is the best thing about my internet usage at the moment!

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