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How to Train Your Mind & Get More Confident – Type Talk with Carol

Do you experience insecurity & self-doubt?

You may have experienced childhood wounding that left you seeking approval from outside sources. It’s time for you to train your mind and become more confident in your self-knowing.

You’ll learn how in this broadcast of Type Talk, but first, I profile the five main characters from the popular TV show, This is Us:

Here’s a list of all the questions asked during this eventβ€”they’re timestamped so you can easily find them when you rewatch this video in the future!

  • (15:47) Could childhood wounding cause a Type 3 woman to complete tasks in a slow, detailed, perfecting manner? Can someone’s true energy be hijacked by fear?
  • (17:40) If we had perfect parents and a perfect upbringing, would we be living true to our Energy Types?
  • (20:53) What can you do when you’re not seeing yourself in any of the Energy Types, but you see yourself in all of them as secondaries? I’m losing sleep over this and becoming extremely depressed from trying to figure it out! Help!
  • (23:30) As a Type 3, how do you prioritize self-care? How do you take all of this “outward” energy and turn it inward before you crash?
  • (27:07) Can the wrong haircut cause you to get Type-specific compliments? I’m a Type 3 and got a Type 3 haircut, but my compliments are, “Hello, Sunshine! Adorable! Fresh!” Is that a clue that I may have Typed myself incorrectly? Or is that showing my secondary?
  • (30:08) As the weather gets warmer, how does a Type 3 keep her fabrication substantial?
  • (31:14) What’s the difference between Type 2 details and Type 2 perfecting?
  • (34:38) I’m split between two secondariesβ€”how do I know which one I am?
  • (35:32) Can you address the Type 1/4 intensity? Can a Type 1/4 BE intense?
  • (36:17) I’m a Type 3/4 and I have a Type 2 boss. We talk about a lot of details, but I’m not sure what my action steps and deadlines are. Any tips on how to communicate and be respectful?
  • (40:03) Can you explain why a Type 1/4 or 4/1 might “feel” like they are a Type 2? What causes this?
  • (42:48) As a Type 2/1, I feel self-conscious about wearing light fabrications with the extra weight I carry. Any tips?

What an awesome event! Leave a comment and share your favorite part of this show. You’re sure to inspire others with your “aha” moment!

I recently launched The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues aboveβ€”and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

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  1. Type 2 Secondary 4 here! I loved how you briefly covered details vs. thoroughness. It helped me to put my different natural tendencies into perspective.

    For me it internally feels like a bunch of jigsaw puzzles are arranged around me. They kind of float in the air and shift position. Nobody else can see that I’m extremely involved with them at any given time. I’ve also noticed that they connect together trying to make an even greater whole, like a mosaic of detailed jigsaw puzzles. I used to get really caught up in trying to perceive and put together the greater whole, rather than letting each piece fall into each separate puzzle with time. It left me frantic, stressed and worried, constantly in a state of overwhelm and emotional/mental overload.

    I am now in harmony with my truth. I am aware that it is best for me to allow each piece or detail to flow into place in each individual puzzle, and with time it all is blending together to create that more magnificent whole. I am grateful for the patience I have for myself, it’s truly a joy to be able to just sit back and let each piece fall into place with divine timing.

  2. Wow! Another great video Carol. You made me laugh tonight. I only got 2/5 correct. Keep up the great content.

  3. The 3×5 formula really got me to pay attention to my clothes and how many elements they express. I’ve noticed most of my clothes have just 2 elements going on and I don’t typically add layers. I’m starting to add more layers to add the other elements and focusing on more than just colour. I’m very excited to move on to the next level of my style and truth!
    I typed Mylo and the last guy correct! Woohoo! I saw the other’s secondary features and thought those were their dominant.
    I can’t wait for the new book! πŸ˜€

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