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Kristen Goes from Mom Jeans to Hot Mama #LiveMakeover

Part I: Kristen is Chosen for a #LiveMakeover!
Each month, we choose one candidate to undergo a life-changing transformation at our Dressing Your Truth event space. Kristen came to us with a desire for clarity so that she could bring more harmony into her home. Watch her “Before” to guess her Energy Type!

Are you new to Dressing Your Truth and still trying to figure out your Energy Type? Take my free Energy Profiling course to support you in determining your Type.


Part II: Live Q&A With Carol
Have you ever tried to determine your Energy Type but thought you couldn’t possibly be the Type you actually are? Childhood wounds can keep people from identifying with their true nature.

When this happens, releasing old hurts and allowing healing tears to flow can be the best way for these individuals to accept their Energy Type and move forward with confidence. Watch the video below as we discuss this topic, and others, more in-depth!


Part III: Kristen’s Big Reveal that Made Us Say, “Whaaaat?!”
I am always amazed by the “Afters” in our #LiveMakeovers, but there is something about Kristen’s that blew us all away. She said “goodbye” to the mom jeans and stepped into a look that supports her expression as a hot, confident woman.

Not only did she go through an outward transformation, but she also evolved inwardly. Watch the video below, and tell us what you thought when you saw her big reveal!


Follow me on Facebook to watch #CarolTuttleTV live and also to access the full listing of #CarolTuttleTV episodes.

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Enjoy these recent #LiveMakeovers:
How Marcy Avoided “Old Lady Hair” in this #LiveMakeover
A Makeover That Takes You From Overthinking to Confident


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  1. Ah, poor Anne! I’m one who didn’t see the difference, but the thing is, Anne ALWAYS looks lovely! She shows the type 2 beauty perfectly so really its a sign she always looks great if people can’t see the difference!

  2. Kristin sure looks great.. I would not have guessed type 3 without the hint, but she just so totally rocks it!! She seems like a different woman now, enjoyed her revelations of all the “hints” at who she really was that she just didn’t appreciate.. .Awesome…
    (Loved the sloth shout -out!! I’m a 2 and have sloth socks…;)

  3. Wow — gorgeous! She looks so different, vibrant and alive. Her nose actually looks slimmer and more suits her face. The hair color and makeup make her come alive. Fabulous!

  4. …Interesting, I would have thought Lara was a type 3 (strong jawline, forward moving energy, louder voice, more prominent nose) and that Kim was a type 1 (more rounded features, heart shaped face, very animated and bright energy, smiling eyes, button nose)…perhaps those are the secondary energies coming through?

  5. I guessed type 3 because of her dynamic substantial appearance and i noticed of her v smile and thin lips and the cat eyes maybe with the freshness and the sec 1 body type.

  6. Hi, everyone! This makeover, especially the middle segment, is just the thing for us type ones who’ve been going around and around, jumping around among what types they are! The three questioning t1s were wonderful to see, and it was so obvious to me that they were ALL type ones, as Carol so deftly pointed out, by their processes! :-). LOL!!! That was great! The makeover shows are always wonderfully affirming, but I gotta say, this one is just for us type ones! ;-). Thank you, Carol and All! You’re the best!

  7. I can so identify with the “stop stomping”, “stop yelling”, “you don’t need to shout” (even when I was trying to modulate my voice down a notch) …. even once, getting told by a guy I thought I liked that I was “too loud”. I tried really hard to be a type 2, because that’s the model of feminity I saw all around me. It amuses me that of all the bird symbols on Carol’s site – the Peacock is the only MALE bird – and that definitely was what I often felt like – that I was too masculine and not feminine enough – that I need to be softer and quieter and gentler.

    A few years ago while watching the TV show Christy there was a quote that really resonated with me, “A woman doesn’t have to be pretty like a flower, she can be pretty like a tree, a mountain or a river.” …. ever since then I’ve described my beauty to myself as “pretty like a mountain”… substantial and challenging…

    In any case, it was easy to be certain that I was a Type 3…. and then when I went to look at the clothing for Type 3, I discovered that they were the chunky knits, slub tees, and rich jewel tone colors that I was already drawn to. Even though I have a certain amount of dubious feeling about some aspects of energy profiling, I do like that it comes with permission to be my loud, stomping, go-getting self, with maturity and empathy, yes, but without excusing myself for “not being feminine enough”

    1. I am a type 4 and I get ‘alright, alright! You’ve made your point’. Even when I say things in the mildest possible way, it still seems too much for people :/ If only they knew how much I hold back and don’t show my full strength.

        1. It’s so annoying to me, I don’t know if it is for you. I hold back so, so much and try and say things mildly and cautiously, and I STILL get told to back off, calm down, don’t be so harsh. I really wish I had the confidence to be my full self and let them have it! They’d get a shock, haha.

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