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Type 4 Icy Tints: Colormania Episode #6

You’ve mastered the Type 4 hues and built a wonderful Type 4 wardrobe. Now you’re ready to branch into a new subgroup of Type 4 colors: icy tints.

Type 4 Expert Kalista has mentioned these before, and today she’s here to explain just what an icy tint is. Watch as she holds the Style Guide up to her examples and see for yourself why this color group is better for Type 4 rather than Type 1!

Do you have any icy tints in your wardrobe? We want to see! Leave us a comment so that other Type 4 women can be inspired by your bold beauty.

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    1. Holly, fabulous, and what an inspiration for all the weddings using Tiffany Blue. Come stand by me.

  1. The color of my car is a Frost White, and so many favorite items are icy. Lingerie would be pictured, but I’m not going to post it here. Lovely silks in the icy blues and others. I’d like to hear your recommendations for lipstick colors. I have that white one, and think it would be useful with the icy tints.

  2. I have many (no photos, unfortunately) that I even had pre-DYT! There really is something to that beauty sixth sense.

    BUT…my question about this video is what brand are your shoes and where did you get them?! I’ve never seen shoes with two types of silver and I’m in love. Please share so more of us can get this perfect shoe.

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