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Reset Your Makeup Story for more Balance and Enjoyment: Healing Session

See the woman first, not her makeup (or her judgments)

What’s your story with makeup? Are you a “can’t be seen without it” or an “it’s fake and not the real me”, or do you fall somewhere in between?

I want you to think back over the years, what has been your experience with makeup? How has that experience changed and evolved over the years? As you’ve gone along in life you’ve created a story around makeup. It may be positive, or negative, or likely somewhere in the midrange.

My goal with this makeup clearing is for you to reset your story so that you can create a positive and balanced experience with makeup. I’m going to show you a clearing exercise to make that possible. Much like the Hair Healing Session, this process includes an affirmation and tapping. Immerse yourself in this experience. And come back to it whenever you need to.

Begin your clearing practice here:

  • (1:40) What this makeup clearing can do for you.
  • (2:40) Start with this affirmation.
  • (2:54) Makeup Healing Session: Let’s push reset on that story.

Feel the shift and balance as you reset your energy to create a refreshed positive experience with makeup.

Share in a comment how this has helped you.

Experience more powerful healing sessions in The Carol Tuttle Healing Center. The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues that are keeping you stuck. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

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