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All About Secondary Energy Types for Type 1

It’s a party over here!

We covered a lot of ground during Type 1 Night this week.

We answered questions like:

  • How do you balance and honor your dominant Energy Type without your secondary taking over?
  • What if I can’t narrow down the options in order to figure out my secondary?
  • How does each Type 1 woman’s secondary energy influence how she expresses emotions?

Plus, find out how each lady on the panel discovered their secondary!

Also, Jaleah describes how she sees each woman’s secondary in their facial features, and the ladies give store suggestions for great Type 1 clothes (and deals!)

Watch the recording and tell us how you discovered your secondary in the comments!


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  1. I enjoyed this so much!!!! I am 99% sure I am a 1/4/2/3!! I relate to Marcy’s style of dress the most. Thank you ladies for a wonderful evening!

    1. I love Marcie’s style too!! Although I am a type 1/4, like Marcie’s I don’t like the overly coloured patterns all over. I’m a bit iffy with the really light tints aswell as I usually wear black and more type 4 colours. It’s gonna take a lot of getting used to but I love Marcie’s version of type 1/4 energy. I’ll probably go for her style in the videos 🙂

  2. I love Susie’s way of describing herself! 🙂 I’m either a 2143 or a 1243. I’m definitely leaning to T2 because of my introversion, but I have circles, especially when I smile. I’ve also been told I have a sparkle in my eyes, and, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been called “cute” or “sweet,” I’d be a wealthy woman.

    Update May 8, 2016: Type 1, not sure on my secondary

  3. Oh wow this really cleared a lot up for me. I first thought I was a 1/4, but then my sister thought I was a 1/2, because I have a “softness” to my face, but after hearing about Marcie’s tendencies and Susie’s tendencies based on their secondaries I feel pretty confident that I am a 1/4 afterall. I just love having order and structure, but not too much as I need to have fun as well! And I don’t like clothes that are too flowy and loose on my body, as it makes me feel floppy, I have always loved type 4 countries like England, France and Japan and recently I looked at a pair of pink Hunter boots online and loved them at first sight! 😀 This can’t be a coincidende!

  4. Ok ladies you have got me boggled because I was convinced I was a 1/2 because I am trying to find comfortable things and make people happy BUT I really related with ALOT of what Marci and Jaleah where saying about a 1/4 and less about the type 2. I do get that ice queen moment all the time I feel that heavyness when things aren’t working out, and I always mistook that for my sensitve secondary 2 but seeing her cry and I had to think and say I don’t cry and feel such strong emotions very often, and I also have really liked color blocking, wow I’m shocked it’s funny too because yesterday I was in the children’s department at target and saw a maxi skirt and thought OMG that is so 1/2 I want it in my size, and now watching this I thought back to that shirt it has very STRUCTURED STRIPES, I just looked at my face I have the straight lines and my smile is fairly straight vs softness I also looked at the moles on my face they are so defined and ALMOST Perfectly round.
    wow didn’t realize I typed soo much until just now haha anyway thank you this is going to be an awesome new journey!

  5. Is the 4/1 combo just crazy common?! I’ve been thinking I’m a secondary 4 for a while now. This Type 1 Night definitely helped solidify that to a degree. While I’m fascinated with everything about energy profiling, I’m soooo loving the concept of each type getting their own “night”! Thanks for putting it together. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect for me.

  6. This was so good! Jana did a great job representing us 1/3s and everyone had great things to say. Thanks for finding such perfect examples of all the secondary types. It totally reconfirmed my typing of myself. Thank you!

  7. Thank you all for this!!! I just love the Type Night and I hope it will be regularly in the Lifestyle rotation!! How brilliant to have a panel made up of the secondaries! Love it! My 1/4 combination is once again confirmed and I’m “perfectly happy” knowing that my true nature is to be light. It is so helpful for me to know that 4 can come out to play, but doesn’t have to call all the shots. Thanks again! <3

  8. I watched the last part with the submitted questions again this morning because I had some thoughts about a couple of the questions a little later. I thought I’d share in case my experience can help anyone else. The first was the issue with the word “cute”. I have mixed feelings about the word because it can mean different things coming from different people. I’m ok with the “spunky, fun” meaning and I can tell when people have that good intention behind the word. Sometimes, people use the word cute really dismissively, though, and I can feel that, too. Like, “oh, you’re so cute”, meaning “thanks for sharing, but we don’t take you seriously”. Coming from some contexts, the word “cute” is more like “cutesy”. Kind of dumbed-down. Like the difference between childlike and childish. We know we’re light-hearted, but we’re not puerile.
    The other was the question about how 1/3s can tone it down for others. I’ve found that toning myself down for others doesn’t really work. It doesn’t put anyone at ease, it just makes everyone uncomfortable. I can, however, let people know that I don’t expect them to keep up with me, and I can remember that others probably won’t be able to keep up with me, so I don’t have unrealistic expectations for others. There are certain times when I need to slow down for others. For instance, if I’m trying to teach my children a skill that they need (household chores or whatever). I can slow myself down to teach them. Or if someone needs a shoulder to cry on and they’ve chosen me, I can access my tertiary and quaternary energy types to help them. In general, though, we can’t try to tone ourselves down in an effort to have others like us and feel comfortable around us. When we’re around people that know who they are, we are usually accepted for who we are. Yeah, sometimes we all meet people who don’t accept us for who we are, but that is not something that we have to take responsibility for. If we’re being kind and honest and accepting of others (even if they don’t accept us), then we’ve done our part.
    Whew! There’s my novel!
    Also, the part about finding boots was really helpful!

    1. well written, i get really scared I’ll laugh at funerals, I did when i was a child and got into big trouble. The word ‘sweet’ is also really annoying, though if it’s in the context of you’re so sweet to think of me etc it seems ok

  9. I’m going to disagree with something on this. They stated if you can go to bed with something undone, you’re not a secondary 3. I have problems with this because I’m a primary 3 and I can go to bed with something undone. It depends on how relevant or important I think the activity is. I think it’s problematic to make a statement: If you don’t do X then you’re not a Y, because I don’t think there’s one trait that everyone in that type will do. I thought forever I couldn’t be a type 3 because I don’t have a lump of clay nose that was always mentioned when describing 3s, but now I’ve seen two type 3 women already who don’t have that nose. I think it’s what is strongest, energy, and overall facial profiling that determines the type (as well as the secondary), not a specific trait.

    1. I was a bit uncomfortable with that declaration as well Jennifer Lynn. Although, I prefer to have things accomplished and completed, there are some tasks that are too big, too detailed for me to complete in one day. But, I could never leave a wall half-painted until…. whenever….. That would be so unpleasant for me. It’s too random and bonkers.. T3 is my secondary.

      1. This is true for me too. I could never leave a wall stay unpainted for a longer time. I need to see the nice result. I am not sure yet that I AM be a s3 but surely I am not a s4. Perfection is never more important for me than completing a task…

  10. Anyone else notice how much Jaleah says ‘perfect’? Love it. 🙂 I knew I’m a secondary 4 because I can be really blunt and bold. I get frustrated when people are vague, so I like to just tell them exactly what I want to say and only have to say it once. I’m also pretty bold with my clothing, too. The fashion industry is like “wear this like this, because it’s in style”, and I’m like “psh, I do what I want”! 🙂

  11. This has helped me soooo much! I felt that I was type 1 dominant with a secondary 2, but I was always worried that maybe deep down I was type 2 dominant. Turns out I’m a 1/2 and I feel so validated by Suzie and some of her experiences! Now I feel like I can just be me; bright, cute, and happy. I don’t have to be overwhelmed by my secondary, but I can let it support my dominant. Type nights are the best idea! Thank you!!

    1. I had the same worry! This really cleared things up for me. Thank you, Suzie, for sharing. I really loved seeing all of your Type 1 outfits too. Good job, ladies!

  12. Great discussion! I LOVED Marcy’s outfits and her explanation on how she color blocks her clothes. I’m a 4/1 and this was very helpful.

    1. Ha! Jana and I have known each other for a long time, so our boundaries are a little less than most normal people 🙂

  13. Who do I resonate with? Marcy!!!! The bit about the half-painted wall is SO me! I can see the perfection in my mind, and can live with the in-between for a long time. We sold a house recently, and my T4 friend came over and painted the dining room herself — because the swatches I had painted years ago were driving her nuts. Also the emotional part, the shutting down. And the focus track, knowing when to quit. I think our brains are wired identically! Thanks, Marcy — you gave me some real insight tonight.

  14. I really related to what Marci said about the dining room wall being left unfinished until she could decide how it would look best. I do that a lot with projects in the home! Really helping me solidify my decision that I’m a type 1/4 (originally I thought I was a type 4/1). Thanks for this video ladies!

  15. Great video! I was really intrigued by the question about balancing your primary and secondary. I’m a 1/4 and so far, that hasn’t been possible for me. The energies are too contrasting! I’m either one or the other and I’ve come to accept that. Some days I feel lighthearted, exuberant and sociable, like I’m filled with sunshine! But other days I need quiet time to recover, reflect and focus. My secondary 4 can overwhelm me when I get too analytical and absorbed in researching and perfecting (which I get real satisfaction from, but it doesn’t usually have a very uplifting effect on my mood if I’m honest). I’m definitely aware of the heaviness it brings and it’s often hard to shake it off. I find a change of scenery helps, fresh air, regular exercise… I’m open to other suggestions! But my question is whether there can be a true balance between such opposing energies?

    1. I really know how you feel. I believe I’m a primary type 1/secondary 4 – and the “4” in me is so detailed and organized and wants things to be just right. When I figured out my 1/4 I felt so relieved that I didn’t always need to be perfect, that I could just ‘be’. But, my 4 definitely overwhelms me and I can relate to the heaviness you mention. I don’t have an answer for you – but thank you for sharing!

    2. Another 1/4 here and yes, the balance is a challenge! I frequently close my eyes and remind my self that opposites bring balance (think Yin Yang, think about the light and dark sides of the Force. . .) Realizing 4 is my secondary helped me realize why – as an extroverted goofball and chatterbox – I find myself craving and loving the time I spend curled up on the couch at my bf’s house. No family, no kid, no housemates, no pets. Just him, me, and quiet 🙂

  16. I’m so excited to finally know my secondary type! I’m a 1/4. And, yes, there seem to be a lot of us on the comments as someone mentioned. The whole time Marcy was speaking I kept saying out loud, oh my gosh! me too! no way! ME TOO!! All sorts of things are coming to mind that are making sense now that I know my secondary type, like why I missed important deadlines over and over at a previous job and why my entire home is a series of projects waiting to be finished “perfectly” once I get this tool or that color paint or the time to continue my intensely detailed finishing touches…haha!

    My bit of confusion, though, is that I do tend to lean towards type 2 looks that are light, draped, flowy, and hang low and loose. Is that just my type 1 talking and maybe tertiary type 2?

  17. Thank you Lifestyle for letting us view all the types. This was the last type session that I watched and it was so much fun to hang out with your type one energy. Jaleah lead with so much fun energy – I was smiling from start to finish. Your secondary energies really show up for each of you and it was awesome to witness. The world needs your T1 energy for the light you bring – and I’m grateful for all of you.

  18. im a 14 and i learned for myself just to set an amount of time to be focused on 1 thing,and when time up i move to the next,and i rotete bettween 4 things. so i get to be very focused and 1 track,but also random(picking what next to do,each time in a diffrent order) and not only linear.
    but the getting ready picking the 4 things to do.and putting them infront of me,is what helps me the most to remember to take a break,and not to continue until the end like my 4 wants.

  19. Oooooooooooooo myyyy…. I am 1/4. Few days ago I thought am 1/3 but after this video .. omg…. how much my parents have suppressed my true nature I can’t believe it. Am crying out of relief and joy….it took me a year to finally see it. Wow….
    I would say take your time if you are not sure. There are parts of you that no one accept God and you knows.
    Just recently I asked God to help me. He led me to videos and information that opened my eyes that I am type 1. It was from Carol’s videos about helping child to do chores. T1 as child totally described me. And I understand why my family tried to change me. They wanted to make me T3.
    And I have regressed to T2 almost all my life. Depression now makes sense. Not because I don’t like t2. It’s slow movement. I don’t do anything not interested in anything just lethargic.
    When I realized I can be my self and I am t1 that all changed. I am upbeat and my husband is amazed how many things I do in the house.
    We are 15 years married. Have now 9 month old. He is our little miracle. T1 too like mommy.
    And now I realized am sec t4. Looked at pictures I have from taking selfie with clothes that are contrast in colors but solid colors like fascia punk and white… looks awesome on me.
    Again take your time ladies. There are parts of you that only God knows and you too. Many times he knows before you know. Ask him to help you cause he KNOWS you.

  20. This is so fun! My dream one day is to be on a video! haha also true to my nature of a type 1 , while watching this video I actually started jumping and questioning my secondary type. Which is silly because I actually know that I a type 1/2. Love dressing your truth and I love that all type 1’s of any secondary type are unique and different makes me feel happy to be my own unique self.

  21. So glad Anne forwarded me this link from Type Talk today. I’m a 1/4 and I watched the video with Kalista and Jaleah, but this has much more depth and more “takeaways” for me. Thank you, Ladies! <3

  22. I really enjoyed this video, I am a type 4/2 probably or 4/3 and the light type 1 energy was so lovely and uplifting. I am trying to identify various friends’ and relatives’ types so I know how to treat them. Energy Profiling is a bit “wacky and way out” for them but I want to know how to get on with them better.

  23. Oh, Marcy, you are my soul sister! Even though I KNOW I’m a 1/4, I was only a few hours ago thinking that possibly my secondary is a 3….
    …Until I got home to my messy flat, full of unfinished projects that I know will look great – one day, when I get time to do them perfectly!!! And then I started watching this video. I had to just laugh at myself and almost facepalm that I ever thought I could be a 1/3.
    Plus I totally want the outfit you’re wearing in this video, Marcy. I’m an Aussie Anglophile and I love love love the red, white and blue with the spots and the wellies. Excellent choice, my dear!

  24. Oh my goodness, Marcie’s story about the paint…. that’s me!!! I have known my secondary since I first watched the profiling vids. I realized my hubby was a 4 first and then I realized I was a 1. He is actually a 4/1 and I am a 1/4 and it actually made me cry realizing that we really are like mirrors of each other <3 I think my knowledge has really helped our relationship. He could care less hahahah so T4 😀 and I love that!

  25. I just watched this and now I know I’m a secondary type 4. These ladies are so clear, eloquent, open, and expressed my confusions perfectly. This was life-changing!!! thank you!!!!

    I love what Marcie said about the adjusting the scarf with the second outfit. I think I’ll apply that exact thinking to my work. When my type 4 side says, “Keep working on it. It has to be perfect.” I will have my type 1 side say, “Nope. It just has to be a fun,” and adjust and go! Projects type 4 secondary done!

  26. I’m pretty sure I’m a Type 1! I feel like I have so many traits of all of them but I see more of Type 1 in me, plus I get mistaken for being younger than I actually am frequently. It can get confusing though because if I am in an uncomfortable situation, I’ll get really quiet and sometimes have a mean look on my face even though I don’t mean to! I even asked my mom how I was like as kid and she told me that I would never be the one to go up and initiate a conversation but I would be friends with anybody who wanted to be friends with that makes me question Type 1, but out of all of the Types I feel more drawn to Type 1. Plus I just LOVE Jaleah 🙂

  27. Marci, it makes so much sense. I wondered for a long time if I was a type four. So many of my characteristics are type four not type one, even much of my decor coloring; black white, red and playful…. I was raised by a type four mother and I adapted to please her. Thank you for the insight. ~Blessings~

  28. I could never leave a wall unpainted… That’s too random for me; it’s not right! That would make me feel uneasy… I love the way it feels when it’s finished with a pretty color I love. I can think about something else and move on!

  29. How did you ladies know I spent the day pondering my secondary! Thank you so much for the insightful video. As a 1/3 and almost 60 years old I love being called cute because it makes me feel young:)

  30. I knew I lead with a primary high movement. I am known as a n adult to be outspoken and even a little pushy. So even though I read the t1 section and thought random yep that’s me, I abandoned that quickly and Thought I was a t3 for a while but, it was way too heavy for me and my least favorite colors in the world olive/army green, rust and mustard yellow. Bright and buttery yellow have always been my favorite color. My friends and family though kept saying things that made me think I have to be a t3. I have a scowl, have been called stone face more than once. When people said that though I thought NO! I am not like that. I don’t know why I have become so angry and mean. My best friend growing up described me as a forsythia tree. That made me happy! I want to be that again. I know now I am a wounded type 1 and now having trouble deciding which is my secondary. I can in true type one fashion see myself in all of them. I am leaning to s4. When I want something done I will stay hyper focused in it. Maybe I was mistaking that for a t3 make it happen push. I love comfy clothes and plush things but details and planning are my strength.

    1. Sharon, this is Kathy from Carol’s support team. Have you tried any of Carol’s EFT tapping exercises in Lifestyle? If you are a subscriber, you may search for the tapping series or EFT and they will come up. This may help you. Enjoy!

  31. Oh boy! I relate so much to the 1/3 I was sure I wasn’t that high of an energy and my twin is a 4/1 and so 1/4 made sense. In my head I think wwcts? (What would Carol Tuttle say?) Maybe I will find out soon? @karenDavidson

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