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How to Profile Your Favorite Type 1 Celebrities

What to look for in the facial features of Type 1 celebrities

What’s more fun than combining Energy Profiling and your favorite celebrities?

In my Energy Profiling system, I teach the 4 Types of nature that are an organic, innate quality of our human expression. And once you’ve been through my free Beginner’s Guide and learn about the 4 Types, you start to see the world a little differently.

I’m often asked, “What Type is this celebrity?”

You’re watching a movie or see a celebrity on TV, and you start to profile them. You start to see the qualities in their facial expression and body language. It’s fun to do this, and it helps you become better at Facial Profiling.

In this video, I show you some of the most expected, and unexpected, Type 1 celebrities!

Remember, Type 1 energy is upward, light, bright, spontaneous, animated, and youthful-looking. Notice the commonalities in each of the celebrities I bring on the screen. Would you have been able to profile them accurately before this?

To see a complete list, view the Type 1 Celebrity Gallery here.

You can find Type 1 energy in these areas too:

Want a guided opportunity to learn about Facial Profiling? Join Lifestyle! Each month I host “TruthBomb Confirmations” sessions in our private Facebook group. I personally profile a select number of women to help members with real-time instruction on how to become more confident in their facial profiling skills!

Find out if you’re the same Type as your favorite celebrity!

Start your free Beginner’s Guide today!

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Watch the other videos in this series:

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