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How to Quiet the Busyness of Your Inner World

Are your emotions feeding your mind for better, or worse?

Do you experience overwhelm with overthinking and over-feeling? Bring a state calmness to your inner world with these strategies.

Let’s take a look into the inner workings of this outwardly still movement. It may surprise you to see how this lowest movement of the outer world is the highest movement of this inner world.

Today, I’m joined by Shayna my DYT Type 2/4 Expert. She and I will give you insight and strategies that you can use to bring that overwhelm into a state of calmness to reduce worry, and get you intune with your inner intuition and inspiration.

  • (2:17) A peek into the emotions and mind of a triple Yin woman. How to know which is leading, and how to recognize the triggers that get your mind in overdrive causing discomfort.
  • (4:54) Quiet the busyness with strategies and practices that work with your heart and mind to restore balance.
  • (6:20) A helpful tip to know when you’ve planned “enough for now” to satisfy your need without going into overwhelm. Know how much to invest of yourself to be appreciated for your gift.
  • (9:12) Seeing the subtle line between thought and detail, and worry and stress. Plus, why sleep is so important to introverted energies like yours.
  • (13:46) How my essential oil blend I am present can aid you in restoring your mind/body connection. And how it can retrain your mind to make that transition more smoothly.

How has knowing your Yin/Yang combination helped you live a more balanced life? Share your ah-has in a comment.

Helpful? Watch these too.

Calm and quiet with these daily affirmation tracks:

Are you a member of The Carol Tuttle Healing Center? The video sessions and healing plans I’ve created will help you heal any of the issues above—and a hundred more. I invite you to start your first healing session today.

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